Add a Local Shop or Business to Coventry Rocks
Reach families looking to support local businesses by promoting your shop, product or services on Coventry Rocks.
Do you own a Local Shop or Business in Coventry?
The Coventry Rocks Local Business Directory features lots of lovely independent businesses in Coventry, encouraging users to keep their spending local.
In 2023, Coventry Rocks was visited by 399,000 users - all parents/carers looking for things to do in the local area. We rank 1st page of Google for a wide range of search terms including 'local shops Coventry', 'independent businesses Coventry' and 'support local Coventry' and we have over 13,000 followers on social media. View our Media Pack.
A feature page includes full details of your business or shop and what you sell, with website and social media links, images, location (if applicable), and SEO. You will receive a log-in so you can manage your own page, enabling you to use it as a mini-website for your followers. It will also be shared on our Instagram and Facebook stories.
How much does it cost?
Annual Payment | Monthly Payment | |
Local Business or Shop | £60 (use promo code BIZ60) | £6 per month (use promo code BIZ60) |
Charities or Not-For-Profits | FREE | FREE |
How does it work?
- To submit your local business or shop, click this link to create a log in. Please note this works best on desktop. Mobile site coming soon!
- From the dashboard click "Create your page" then "Shops".
- Follow the process step by step, adding in as much information as you can. Download our guide for tips for how to create a great feature page!
- Save your progress if you need to, or click "Submit for Publication".
- You'll be taken through to our payments page where you can pay by card. Use promo code BIZ60 at checkout to get the discounted rate of £60 / £6 per month!
- Once payment is complete, we will check and publish your page.
- We'll also share it to our Instagram and Facebook stories!
Charities or Not For Profits
If you wish to submit a local charity or not for profit business please follow the process above but select "community organisation" at the final stage. This will put your feature page through the process free of charge.
If you'd prefer to have a chat about your options first, send us a DM on Instagram or Facebook, or email We'd be happy to help.