Coventry Rocks

Christmas Eve Doorstep Jingle


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Join thousands of people around the world at 6pm and jingle bells for 2 minutes! 

Christmas Eve Doorstop Jingle

COVID-19 has really disrupted family life and to be honest we can’t say we’re too pleased about it, but there is one good thing to come out of it, and that’s how local communities have pulled together to support one another.

We’ve recently found out that there are calls for a global celebration on Christmas Eve this year, where everyone, across the world, will stand on their doorsteps at 6pm and ring a bell for two minutes to help Santa on his way to deliver his presents. And let’s be honest, most of us will be in to do it!

This 2 minute cheer will also be the perfect opportunity for us all to take a small moment to reflect on what a challenge 2020 has been, think about all of those amazing key workers who are still working over Christmas, and hug our loved ones even closer.

A Facebook group called Worldwide Santa’s Xmas Eve Jingle has been set up and already has 80,000 members, who is organising the event. Join the group here so you’re kept up-to-date

You can read all about the event on

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