Coventry Rocks

Pregnancy to Parenthood

Midwife led antenatal sessions, preparing you and your birth partner for labour, birth, feeding your baby and postnatal care of parents and baby.

Pregnancy to Parenthood | Antenatal Classes in Coventry

Pregnancy to Parenthood offer antenatal classes in Coventry run by a Midwife.

Pregnancy to Parenthood recommend being as prepared as possible for labour, birth and the postnatal period. In the sessions the group will also talk about mental preparation, birth choices, feeding options and postnatal care of parents and baby. Pregnancy to Parenthood provides provides a safe and non-judgemental space for you to learn, ask questions, share your feelings and most importantly, become empowered to make the right choices for you at the right time.

These classes are suitable from 26 weeks of pregnancy onwards. There are 5 sessions in each course, with a session after all the babies are born to catch up and meet all the new babies!

2024 Session


Sessions take place at Cheylesmore Community Centre, Coventry.

Book your place:

Visit the website to book your place.

For any questions, please contact Ruth on:

Meet Ruth

Hello, my name is Ruth and I am a Midwife, based in Coventry and Warwickshire. I adore my vocation and want to spread the word even further, with midwife led antenatal education - to inform and empower you to make the right choices for you and your family. I am a huge advocate for women in my care and in order to have that trust and relationship we need to have open and honest conversations around pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period.

I have a husband and a son, who is my world and is genuinely one of the funniest people I know! I also have many years experience with pregnancy, newborn and wedding photography - I just love a special occasion! I have three cats that my husband has taught to ‘high 5’ in order to get treats - and it’s hugely backfired!

I’m really looking forward to meeting expectant parents, and preparing you for meeting your precious bundle, and embarking on the most magical, exhausting and constantly second guessing yourself journey, where you will find new depths and feel love like you have never known.

Visit the website to book your place.

For any questions, please contact Ruth on:

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