Keresley Newland Primary School Christmas Fayre
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Keresley Newland Primary School would love to welcome you to their Christmas Fayre for lots of festive fun!
Keresley Newland Primary School Christmas Fayre | Christmas in Coventry
- Date: Tuesday 3rd December | 3.20pm - 5pm
- Location: Keresley Newland Primary Academy, Grove Lane, Coventry, CV7 8JZ
- Price: FREE entry
- Booking: no need to book - just turn up!
Keresley Newland Primary School have lots of local independent craft stalls joining them as well as Santa! There'll be a raffle, tombola, hot food and a bar for some hot and cold refreshments too! Pop along, start your christmas shopping and enjoy some family festive fun.
If you'd like a stall, please get in touch with the school office by email.
Entry is free!
Contact details
Website: address:
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