Coventry Rocks

Knightlow Morris Men | Ryton on Dunsmore

Have you ever fancied giving Morris dancing a go? Get in touch with Knightlow Morris Men and join this free group.

Knightlow Morris Men | Dance Groups in Coventry

  • Days: Tuesday evenings
  • Times: 8pm - 9.45pm
  • Venue: Saint Leonard's Church, Church Road, Ryton-on-Dunsmore, CV8 3ET
  • Suitable for:  Anyone of any age who is interested is welcome.

Knightlow Morris Men provides free tuition in a number of Morris traditions. Practice nights run from October until May and then dance out at local events and locations from May until September.

Please feel free to attend. All welcome.

Check out their Facebook page or send an email to if you'd like more info or you'd like to join the group. 

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