Let's Toddle! Toddler Hangout!
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Do you have a Baby Chill graduate, or a toddler who is getting up and around? Come to Let's Toddle! Suitable for 18months to 3years. Let them explore the sights of the Cathedral, and enjoy a selection of toys, books and a simple craft activity.
Let's Toddle! Toddler Hangout at Coventry Cathedral
- Date: First Wednesday of the month
- Venue: Coventry Cathedral, 1 Hill Top, Coventry, CV1 5AB
- Prices: FREE
- Booking: Book your FREE spot here.
A ticket covers you and a toddler but if you are bringing more than one little one or an extra adult hand that is also fine.
Let's Toddle! is a chance to hang out with fellow parents and carers and enjoy some Cathedral Zen.
There's always tea and biscuits (with oat milk of course).
Just drop the team an message at Events@coventrycathedral.org.uk if you have any questions.
Contact details
Social links:
www.coventrycathedral.org.ukEmail address:
events@coventrycathedral.org.ukYou may also be interested in
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