BilinguaSing French Classes | Stoneleigh, Warwickshire
BilinguaSing offer fantastic language, sensory and music classes for kids. Their multi-award winning programme is a unique sensory language-learning adventure that’s loved by parents and adored by children!
BilinguaSing Coventry & Kenilworth | Classes in Stoneleigh, Coventry
- Timetable: Tuesdays | 10.15 - 11am | Mixed Age Family French (0 - 4 years)
- Location: Stoneleigh Village Hall, Hall Close, Stoneleigh CV8 3DG
- Booking: Click here to book your place!
These fun-filled, highly interactive classes for toddlers and pre-schoolers up to 4 years old are all about building your child’s confidence with language and music, as well as boosting their physical and emotional development. Words that your little one is already familiar with in English – such as numbers, animals, family members will be introduced in the second language through a combination of drama, creative play, dance and movement. All of which is set to a fantastic soundtrack of well-known nursery rhymes, original BilinguaSing tracks and traditional French songs.
- Classes are just £7.00 per session, payable in advance.
- Sibling discounts apply – under 12months old are free, over 12months old save a third
- 1 week paid trial option available
- Term time only
The venue has a large car park as well as a small playground outside, perfect on a nice day! There are toilets and a baby changing mat is provided.
Click here to book your place!
For more information, email karen@bilinguasing.com or call 07565314801
Why choose BilinguaSing?
Early exposure to a second language has oodles of benefits - not least of which is that it’s incredible for your baby’s brain development and learning skills. It’s also good for you too, helping to stave off the dreaded ‘baby brain’. Which makes it one of the best activities you can do with your little one from when they’re just a few weeks old.
The team at BilinguaSing recognise that every child develops at their own pace, so they’ve carefully tailored their baby and toddler classes specifically to the developmental stage of your child, rather than their age.
BilinguaSing run classes in French, Spanish, German and Italian. And while you don’t need to know any languages to join us, we promise that you’ll be singing along in no time!
Read more about the benefits of early language learning here.

Contact details
Social links:
www.bilinguasing.comEmail address:
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