Outdoor Yoga in Spencer Park | Earlsdon
Take an hour for gentle movement and relaxation on a Sunday morning!
FREE Outdoor Yoga in Spencer Park | Yoga Classes in Coventry
- Timetable: Sunday 10am
- Location: Spencer Park, Earlsdon, Coventry, CV5 6NP
- Price: FREE
- Booking: if you need a mat, text Iva on 07736 305 977, otherwise just grab a mat and turn up!
Anyone and everyone is welcome to join in, regardless of fitness or age. The outdoor yoga in Spencer Park group gather every Saturday from 10 am for one hour of gentle yoga movements & relaxation. Then they go and treat themselves to a hot drink and an amazing homemade cake provided by volunteers in the Pavilion café, followed by a chat and chill time. The group meets whatever the weather, except for heavy rain!
For more information, email yoga@ivadyke.co.uk or click here.
Contact details
Social links:
www.ivadyke.co.ukEmail address:
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