Tinker | Make | Play: May the Forces Be with You
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This Half-Term Tinker, Make, Play Engineers will delve into the exploration of a variety of physical forces through hands-on tinkering, making and, of course, playing!
Tinker, Make, Play | May Half Term in Coventry
- Dates: Saturday 25 May, Thursday 30 May, Saturday 1 June 2024
- Times: 10.00am - 3.00pm
- Venue: Coventry Transport Museum, Millennium Place, Hales Street, Coventry, CV1 1JD
- Price: FREE with admission | Drop in
- Suitable for: Suitable for ALL AGES!
- More info: https://www.transport-museum.com/events/1588/tinker-make-playmay-the-forces-be-with-you
The Coventry Transport Museum collection includes a few interesting objects appeared to have played with physical forces to work effectively or to keep the user focused - balance bike, multi cycle, parachute cycle, thrust, tractor, double decker bus, horsepower.
Did you ever wonder what engineering is all about? At Coventry Transport Museum, we believe it all starts with curiosity, perseverance, and creativity. In proper engineering style, we have come up with the perfect formula for a workshop that will help develop those engineering skills.
Here it goes:
Tinker (To tinker at Coventry Transport Museum means hands-on exploring what real stuff is made of and how it works. Take a precision screwdriver and pliers to open up a laptop, vacuum cleaner, or any other everyday item. Find out what parts are hidden behind the covers and see what they do. We will provide a how to with the tools, the safety gear and the reference books because we are also always learning.)
Make (To make at Coventry Transport Museum means letting your imagination run wild, digging through our huge variety of resources and getting into the flow of making. Whether your project needs hardware, cardboard, electronics, timber, needlework or paint, our workshop will always be stocked with a broad selection of random stuff for you to work with. We will support wherever possible – as we are proud to be some of the biggest cheerleaders for great inventions.)
Play (To play at Coventry Transport Museum means to embrace PlayHEM which involves the nonsensical, the playful, the chaos, the unknown, the uncertainty, the process to make accidental learning happen. Get stuck playing in an open-ended play environment that offers a choice of wonderfully weird, yet also engineering-related, playthings and we will simply enjoy noticing how your whole family unknowingly plays about with engineering concepts.)