Baby Cherish - Wellbeing and Infant Massage in Coventry
Baby_Cherish® are a lovely local business who support, educate and nurture new parents and carers. By delivering high-quality courses focusing on love, touch and connection, they help local mums and dads to become more confident and comfortable with their little ones.
Baby Cherish | Wellbeing and Infant Massage in Coventry
The Coventry Rocks team have spent some time getting to know Sarah Pearson, the owner of Baby_Cherish®. It was so great to hear about how this lovely business was set up, and the reasons why Sarah wanted to support local parents. But before you read our interview, watch this video to get a sneak peak of the Baby_Cherish Tree Babies course. How lovely!
An Interview with Sarah Pearson | Owner of Baby Cherish
Tell me a bit about yourself!
Hi, my name is Sarah and I run Baby_Cherish®. I live with my daughter and husband in Coventry, England. My first full-time job was working for the local Council at a Sure Start Centre, working with families with children 0-5 years. I fully enjoyed my time there as every day was different. I could be running groups like baby massage, baby groups, stay and play sessions in the centre or I could be making home visits delivering Portage session with children with additional needs or providing respite to parents of triplets! I have worked with children and families for the past 20 years and I have loved it.
What is Baby Cherish?
Baby_Cherish® delivers high-quality courses for mums, dads, and carers focusing on love, touch, connection with your baby, with each other, and with nature. My mission is to nurture, help and educate new mums and dads to become confident parents, with a community around them, so that they can ‘grow’ secure, happy, confident children who will become happy, confident adults. Happy, confident adults who can put their minds to whatever they want to, create opportunities, and can find their place in the world with self-assurance.
Why did you set up Baby Cherish?
In 2018 after stalking Blossom & Berry massage for a year I decided to re-train in baby massage and set up my own business running baby massage classes. I loved their ethos which is love creates love and I could see a real need for more support for new mothers and fathers. Baby massage has so many benefits for both baby and parent. I talk a lot about connection and love, everyone needs to have touchpoints of connection every day- for babies, these include eye contact, sound of voice, exchange of smell, touch and oxytocin flow. Every time you massage your baby all of these things are experienced by both your baby and yourself, and as you connect in this way so your bond becomes stronger, love grows and the attachment you have with your baby becomes the foundation for a secure, happy, confident child. There are other benefits too -massage can help ease colic, constipation and help babies to relax and sleep better!
What's the best bit about your job?
I love sharing the amazing benefits of baby massage with others. I love meeting new mums or new dads and babies. I love seeing and hearing how massage has helped, from the baby who slept for 4 hours after their first massage or the baby who was constipated but after the tummy massage session was no longer! This is what I’ve missed during the Covid 19 Pandemic, connection with other people ( as we all have) and also being able to make a difference and supporting new parents through their first year of parenthood.
Tell me more about your sessions?
Baby_Cherish® courses include:
- Beginners Baby Massage
- Tree babies
- Cherish & Nurture retreats.
Beginners Baby Massage
Beginners Baby massage sessions are an hour long and include rhymes and songs, a different baby massage routine each week and time for herbal tea and a chat. The sessions are relaxed and friendly and baby-led. I always say at the start of every session that if your baby needs a feed or a nappy change or a cuddle or just wants to sleep, that’s fine, meet your baby’s needs first and you can join in later. Baby massage is suitable for babies 8 weeks to crawling.
Tree Babies
Tree Babies runs for 90 mins. This is an outdoor Course. The focus is on connecting with nature, connecting with your baby and introducing them to the wonder of the nature and wildlife around us. This is not like a traditional baby class. This is a session where there is nothing to be achieved, just simple, beautiful moments enjoyed – there will be very little ‘doing’ and you will be free to dip in and out with whatever feels right to you. Babies enjoy being held close to you (in slings or baby carriers) whilst you take part in different activities such as Forest Bathing, Mindfulness, gentle movement, Nature Art and of course there’s always time for herbal tea and a chat. This course will boost your wellbeing- Studies have shown that spending time among trees can have calming, relaxing effects and can boost our immune systems, lower our stress levels, our blood pressure and improve our mood. Tree Babies is suitable for Parents with babies 6 weeks to 12 months.
You can read about my Tree Babies course at Brandon Woods here.
Cherish & Nurture Retreats
Cherish & Nurture Retreats are a half-day (3-4 hours) session. Our exclusive retreats are all about you showing up just as you are, and allowing yourself a few hours where you and your baby are nurtured and taken care of so that you can leave feeling relaxed, restored, and energised. Retreats will include (but are not limited to) a Touch and Baby massage routine, a guided relaxation & breathing for parents, relaxing activities, such as journaling, mindful colouring, crafts. There will be time to relax and chat with other parents, giving and receiving support from each other. And of course food – maybe tea and cakes or lunch, or a yummy afternoon tea. Suitable for babies from birth to crawling.
How can we find out more?
You can follow my pages on Instagram and Facebook, and stay up to date with any new courses we have available.
You can also visit the website to read more about my courses, and you can use this link to book your place.
Alternatively, if you'd like to chat to me, or discuss the specific needs of you and your baby, don't hesitate to email me at Sarah@babycherish.co.uk.
At Coventry Rocks we love to find out about local businesses, and give families the inside scoop! If you know of any businesses or services which would like to be featured on Coventry Rocks then please get in touch!
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